Career Courses

G-Tech Program

On completion of G-Tech program the student will be able to work as a Software Professional with an IT company. The student can also start his/her own venture as a freelancer software developer.

Smart I.T. Professional

Scientifically designed for B.S.C.(IT), Engineering and BCA students who want to make a professional career in software development.

Smart Professional Accountant

Aims to develop the student into a complete accountant, working on accounting related softwares on computers.

Smart Multimedia Professional

Smart Multimedia Professional program is a combination of Graphic Designing, Web designing, Multimedia, and Animation.

Diploma in Computer Applications

Designed for students to acquire knowledge in the field of basic computer applications,accounting, graphics and web.

Course in Computer Teachers Training

Designed for HSC+ students to acquire knowledge and get skilled for becoming a skilled computer trainner.